Lenten Obligations: Ash Wednesday and Good Friday are obligatory days of fasting and abstinence. In addition, Fridays during Lent are obligatory days of abstinence. The norms on fasting are obligatory for ages 18-59. When fasting, a person is permitted to eat one full meal, as well as two smaller meals that together are not equal to a full meal. The norms concerning abstinence from meat are binding from age 14 onwards.
Lenten Activities
The next meeting of SPCW is March 13 at 9:00am in the hall.
Join us in the Parish Hall on Sundays.
The Chapel is open Monday through Friday 9:00am - 1:00pm with Adoration on Friday.
If you would like to have Mass said in memory of or in honor of a loved one or a special intention, please call the office as early as possible. Scheduling one month prior is best for availability.
If you would like to provide flowers in memory or honor of a loved one or for a special occasion, please contact the office or Jayne Higginbotham at 256-206-0266.
OCIA: If you are not Catholic and are interested in learning about the Catholic faith, this program is for you. It is also for all Catholic adults who are not yet Confirmed. For more information, contact Pam McCue at 256-603-8624 or ocia@stpaulathens.org or call the church office at 256-232-4191.
We, the Christian community of St. Paul, are committed to serving the Lord and His people through witnessing and stewardship of time, talent and treasure, and, rooted in the Word and Tradition, are focused on encountering Him in the Breaking of the Bread.
Saint Paul Church is the house of our Heavenly Father, a place of solace and grace, so please feel at home here. Whether you are a registered parishioner, new to our community, or a visitor--WELCOME!
1900 US Highway 72 West, Athens AL, 35611
Office Phone: 256-232-4191
Email: secretary@stpaulathens.org
Emergency: 256-497-6598, 256-527-5858
School website: stpaulcatholic.school
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Our parish has purchased a subscription to FORMED.org, an incredible online gateway to Catholic material all in one place. Enjoy a Bible study, MP3s, books, and movies. Click here for the St. Paul link to register for FORMED. Alternatively, you may register at the website formed.org using the St. Paul access code NKBQBB.
Daily inspirational and devotional text messages are available for free signup. The messages are entitled '30 seconds with Jesus' and are sent once per day. To subscribe, start a new text message to 844-948-2009. In the message line type 30seconds. There is no space or period when entering 30seconds. You should receive a response if done correctly.
St. Paul always needs nursery workers for our 10:30 AM Mass. Please consider giving of your talents by helping with our little ones. Please call Dana Wolfe 251-978-6759, if you have any questions.
If you are willing to consider being an usher, lector, or extraordinary minister, please contact the office.